Helios CLI/

Example: Always succeeds

Create a always_succeeds.hl script with the following code:

spending always_succeeds

func main(_, _, _) -> Bool {

Compile the Always Succeeds script into its JSON representation:

$ helios compile always_succeeds.hl

{"type": "PlutusScriptV2", "description": "", "cborHex" :"52510100003222253335734a0082930b0a5101"}

Start an interactive shell in the cardano-node container and copy the content of the JSON representing the script:

$ docker exec -it <container-id> bash

> mkdir -p /data/scripts
> cd /data/scripts

> echo '{
  "type": "PlutusScriptV2", 
  "description": "", 
  "cborHex": "52510100003222253335734a0082930b0a5101"
}' > always-succeeds.json

Generate the script address:

> cardano-cli address build \
  --payment-script-file /data/scripts/always-succeeds.json \
  --out-file /data/scripts/always-succeeds.addr \
  --testnet-magic $TESTNET_MAGIC_NUM

> cat /data/scripts/always-succeeds.addr


We need a datum, which can be chosen arbitrarily in this case:

> DATUM_HASH=$(cardano-cli transaction hash-script-data --script-data-value "42")
> echo $DATUM_HASH


We also need to select some UTxOs as inputs to the transaction. At this point we should have one UTxO sitting in wallet 1. We can query this using the following command:

> cardano-cli query utxo \
  --address $(cat /data/wallets/wallet1.addr) \
  --testnet-magic $TESTNET_MAGIC_NUM

TxHash             TxIx  Amount
4f3d0716b07d75...  0     1000000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumNone

4f3d... is the transaction id. The UTxO id in this case is 4f3d...#0.

We now have everything we need to build a transaction and submit it.

Let's send 2 tAda (2 million lovelace) to the script address:

> TX_BODY=$(mktemp)
> cardano-cli transaction build \
  --tx-in 4f3d...#0 \
  --tx-out $(cat /data/scripts/always-succeeds.addr)+2000000 \
  --tx-out-datum-hash $DATUM_HASH \
  --change-address $(cat /data/wallets/wallet1.addr) \
  --testnet-magic $TESTNET_MAGIC_NUM \
  --out-file $TX_BODY \

Estimated transaction fee: Lovelace 167217

> TX_SIGNED=$(mktemp)
> cardano-cli transaction sign \
  --tx-body-file $TX_BODY \
  --signing-key-file /data/wallets/wallet1.skey \
  --testnet-magic $TESTNET_MAGIC_NUM \
  --out-file $TX_SIGNED

> cardano-cli transaction submit \
  --tx-file $TX_SIGNED \
  --testnet-magic $TESTNET_MAGIC_NUM

Transaction successfully submitted

If you check the wallet 1 payment address balance after a few minutes you will noticed that it has decreased by 2 tAda + fee. Note the left-over UTxO id, we will need it to pay fees when retrieving funds.

You can also try to check the balance of the script address:

> cardano-cli query utxo \
  --address $(cat /data/scripts/always-succeeds.addr) \
  --testnet-magic $TESTNET_MAGIC_NUM


The table should list at least one UTxO with your specific datum hash.

We can now try and get our funds back from the script by building, signing and submitting another transaction:

> PARAMS=$(mktemp) # most recent protocol parameters
> cardano-cli query protocol-parameters --testnet-magic $TESTNET_MAGIC_NUM > $PARAMS

> TX_BODY=$(mktemp)
> cardano-cli transaction build \
  --tx-in <fee-utxo> \ # used for tx fee
  --tx-in <script-utxo> \
  --tx-in-datum-value "42" \
  --tx-in-redeemer-value <arbitrary-redeemer-data> \
  --tx-in-script-file /data/scripts/always-succeeds.json \
  --tx-in-collateral <fee-utxo> \ # used for script collateral
  --change-address $(cat /data/wallets/wallet1.addr) \
  --tx-out $(cat /data/wallets/wallet1.addr)+2000000 \
  --out-file $TX_BODY \
  --testnet-magic $TESTNET_MAGIC_NUM \
  --protocol-params-file $PARAMS \

Estimated transaction fee: Lovelace 178405

> TX_SIGNED=$(mktemp)
> cardano-cli transaction sign \
  --tx-body-file $TX_BODY \
  --signing-key-file /data/wallets/wallet1.skey \
  --testnet-magic $TESTNET_MAGIC_NUM \
  --out-file $TX_SIGNED

> cardano-cli transaction submit \
  --tx-file $TX_SIGNED \
  --testnet-magic $TESTNET_MAGIC_NUM

Transaction successfully submitted

If you now check the balance of wallet 1 you should see two UTxOs, and the total value should be your starting value minus the two fees you paid.

Note that collateral is only paid if you submit a bad script. Cardano-cli does extensive checking of your script though, and should prevent you from submitting anything faulty. So collateral is only really paid by malicious users.