Helios CLI/ Setup/

Install cardano-node

You will need a Linux environment with docker for this.

We have provided convenient docker containers for running cardano-node.

$ git clone https://github.com/Hyperion-BT/cardano-node-wrappers
$ cd cardano-node-wrappers

Build and start a cardano-node docker container (non-persistent):

$ make build-preprod

$ make run-preprod # non-persistent, just to check if it works

Or persistent:

$ make run-preprod-persistent # runs in background with a persistent data volume

Alternative you can choose preview.

These commands will automatically download IOG's latest cardano-node image, and then create a named docker volume for storing the blockchain state.

Check that the cardano-node container is running using the following command:

$ docker ps

Take note of the container id.

You can stop the container any time:

$ docker stop <container-id>

We recommend using docker stop and not docker rm -f as it allows cardano-node processes to receive the more graceful SIGTERM signal (instead of just SIGKILL).

You can clean up stopped containers if you are running low on system resources:

$ docker system prune

About 30 seconds after starting the cardano-node container, /ipc/node.socket should've been created and you can start using cardano-cli to query the blockchain. If you are restarting the cardano-node after a major upgrade (eg. an HFC) it could take much longer though (an hour or more). If you are impatient you should launch the cardano-node container using the docker run command without the -d flag. This way you can follow the (re)sync progress in your terminal.

Poll for the blockchain sync status using the following command:

$ docker exec <container-id> cardano-cli query tip --testnet-magic 1097911063

The first time it can take up to 10 hours for your cardano-node to fully synchronize.