Helios language/ Builtins/


The Value type represents monetary value as a token bundle (internally represented as a Map[MintingPolicyHash]Map[ByteArray]Int)

Note: 1 ADA is equal to 1 million Lovelace

Note: You might find yourself comparing the output of value.get() to a number in order to check if value contains something, but in that case it is usually better to use the value.contains() method instead.

Associated functions and constants


An empty Value.

Value::ZERO -> Value


Returns a Value containing only lovelace.

Value::lovelace(amount: Int) -> Value


Returns a Value containing an amount of a given AssetClass.

Value::new(asset_class: AssetClass, amount: Int) -> Value


Value::from_data(data: Data) -> Value


Instantiates a Value using a raw map.

Value::from_map(raw_value: Map[MintingPolicyHash]Map[ByteArray]Int) -> Value


Sums any list with items that implement the Valuable type class.

Value::sum[V: Valuable](list: []V) -> Value

For example:

Value::sum(list: []Value) -> Value



Returns self. Allows Value to implement the Valuable type class, which in turn allows using Value::sum() associated method for a list of Value.

value.value -> Value



Returns true if two Values are the same.

Value == Value -> Bool

Note: the assets and tokens must also be in the same order for == to return true.


Value != Value -> Bool


Strict greater-equals comparison. If every lhs token has a greater-or-equals amount than the equivalent rhs token then >= returns true. If any rhs token has a greater amount than the equivalent lhs token then >= returns false.

Value >= Value -> Bool


Strict greater-than comparison. If every lhs token has a greater amount than the equivalent rhs token then > returns true. If any rhs token has a greater-or-equals amount than the equivalent lhs token then > returns false.

Value > Value -> Bool


Strict less-equals comparison. If every lhs token has a smaller-or-equals amount than the equivalent rhs token then <= returns true. If any rhs token has a smaller amount than the equivalent lhs token, or doesn't exist in lhs, then <= returns false.

Value <= Value -> Bool


Strict less-than comparison. If every lhs token has a smaller amount than the equivalent rhs token then < returns true. If any rhs token has a smaller-or-equals amount than the equivalent lhs token, or doesn't exist in lhs, then < returns false.

Value < Value -> Bool


Value + Value -> Value


Subtracts two Value instances. Note that negative token amounts are possible.

Value - Value -> Value


Value * Int -> Value


Value / Int -> Value



Alias for >= (where lhs is self).

value.contains(other_value: Value) -> Bool


Returns true if a given MintingPolicyHash is in a Value.

value.contains_policy(mph: MintingPolicyHash) -> Bool


Returns the amount of the given AssetClass in a Value. Throws error if the AssetClass isn't found.

value.get(asset_class: AssetClass) -> Int


Returns a new Value with the lovelace removed.

value.get_assets() -> Value


Returns the amount of lovelace in a Value. Returns 0 if there isn't any.

value.get_lovelace() -> Int


Like get, but returns 0 instead of throwing an error if the given AssetClass isn't found.

value.get_safe(asset_class: AssetClass) -> Int


Returns a map of tokens of the given MintingPolicyHash in a Value. Throws an error if the MintingPolicyHash isn't found.

value.get_policy(mph: MintingPolicyHash) -> Map[ByteArray]Int


Checks if a Value is empty.

value.is_zero() -> Bool


value.serialize() -> ByteArray


Returns a formatted String showing all the assets contained in a Value.

value.show() -> String


Returning the underlying Map:

value.to_map() -> Map[MintingPolicyHash]Map[ByteArray]Int