Further reading/

Vesting contract

To put what we've done so far to use we're going to build a simple 'vesting' contract. This contract will lock up some tokens owned by an owner for a beneficiary that can't be claimed until after a deadline. The owner can get their funds back if the deadline has not passed yet


The datum stores the PubKeyHash of the beneficiary and creator's wallets and the vesting deadline is represented as a Time.

struct Datum {
    creator: PubKeyHash
    beneficiary: PubKeyHash
    deadline: Time

Note: The Time type represents a POSIX time and for more info Helios Builtins.


enum Redeemer {

There are two cases when the validator should return true:

  • Cancel

    In this case, the 'owner' wishes to cancel the contract and get back their funds. For a 'Cancel' to succeed the following have to be checked

    • The owner signed the transaction.
    • The deadline hasn't passed.
  • Vesting Claim

    A 'Claim' occurs when the 'beneficiary' wishes to claim the tokens vested for them. For it to be valid the following have to be checked:

    • The beneficiary signed the transaction.
    • The deadline has passed.


func main(datum: Datum, redeemer: Redeemer, context: ScriptContext) -> Bool {
    tx: Tx = context.tx;
    now: Time = tx.time_range.start;

    redeemer.switch {
        Cancel => {
            // Check that deadline hasn't passed
            now < datum.deadline && 

            // Check that the owner signed the transaction
        Claim => {
           // Check that deadline has passed.
           now > datum.deadline &&

           // Check that the beneficiary signed the transaction.

Complete code

spending vesting

struct Datum {
    creator: PubKeyHash
    beneficiary: PubKeyHash
    deadline: Time

enum Redeemer {

func main(datum: Datum, redeemer: Redeemer, context: ScriptContext) -> Bool {
    tx: Tx = context.tx;
    now: Time = tx.time_range.start;

    redeemer.switch {
        Cancel => {
            now < datum.deadline &&
        Claim => {
           now > datum.deadline &&